Welcome to our ultra spiritual & super somatic playground where we explore the sacredness of silliness…and where we lean in and focus on humility, humor, and the heart. This is a satirical event that celebrates the unique expressions of the Bay Area, where we are calling in laughter, knowing just how potent that particular medicine can be…

This is a two-part event. The first includes an abundance of workshops that have been divinely designed to guide you through a journey of self-discovery. And maybe even awaken the dormant giddiness and giggliness within…

After the first part of the event ends, we will close the doors for a dinner break. For those of you that feel complete, go home! Rest! Integrate! And for those of you that couldn’t make the 1st part, don’t worry, we will start off the evening portion with a mini-workshop that is a personal favorite of mine — Dance Roulette ✨

This will be the purrrfect way to begin our free-form dance journey! I mean, come on now!! It wouldn’t be That’s SO Bay Area without an Ecstatic Dance…

At the end of the night, let the high vibrations of the bass music blast your blessed heart wide open…and may the womp make you woke!


with Travis Sigley

Awkroyoga is an acro style that celebrates play, awkwardness, and laughter-inducing sillies.

We play with words, we play with our bodies, and we seriously don’t take ourselves seriously…

Awkroyoga allows us to embrace the awkwardness, which is the majority of what we feel when we try something new.

So let’s try a new thing and laugh our way to the finish line!

Sense-You-All Expression: Discover the Full Creative

with Shawnrey Notto

Discover the fullness of your being, surrendering to the beauty of your body, and reclaim your creative, sensual expression.

Strut, Slink, Twerk, Howl, Undulate, Ravish your way to your full sensual embodied awakening, unleashing the power of who you are, the depths of your being, your full expression…

We are SENSE-ual beings. We are designed to interact with, receive information, and express through our bodies and senses. Sensual Intelligence invites you to get in touch with your senses. Have fun with your senses. Be artful with your senses. 

The Pleasure Symphony

with Victoria Angel Heart

A community song circle meets an orgasmic meditation class and then they go together to an improv class…. Welcome to the Pleasure Symphony! It’s a space of permission to explore making sounds you’re usually not “allowed” to make in public OR in the bedroom.

When you’re surrounded by fellow explorers, your collective capacity for expressing pleasure explodes as it expands. We will weave our voices together in an absurd symphony of erotic sounds—the only thing that may be louder than your orgasmic sounds will be your laughter.


Almost Contact Dancing

with Holly Hock & Sasha Wright

We will be using the elements of water, air, energy, and negative space to slippery, sillily, slip, slide and sidle through the energetic space surrounding our bodies, slowly succumbing to an amorphic field of Bay Area style synchronicity and sublime synergy.

Come ready to deeply attune to yourself, becoming your own sovereign planet in preparation to slowly spin up to speed in the primordial waters and extend your celestial awareness as we co-create our collective cosmos of connection and evolve into a playful puddle of platonic pleasure.

5Rhythms: The Noises We Make

with Majica Alba

Let’s play with the map of the 5Rhythms and the correlating sounds that inspire fun and creative ways to play together. How do these noises inspire new movement and how do they get us out of our usual dance and into the playfulness and curiosity.

Mock-A-Maca Cacao Ceremony

with Leela Maya

Don your most culturally aware smile, and join us for one of most prevalent and precarious Bay Area Conscious Community Events: The Cacao Ceremony. Steeped in nutrient dense Cultural Sensitivity, Your host, the Clandestinely Mexican White Passing Latina, Leela Maya leads you through; •A Prayerformance Ritual of Gratitude and Release with the heart opening help of her Gold Label Superfood Maca Cacao and copious amounts of spiritual buzzwords. •Embodied Play: a fusion of somatic movement, improv & authentic relating games. Find the line between poking gentle fun at yourself and deep reverence to release self conscious thoughts and remember that laughter and community ate the best medicine… after cacao, of course. And we will end with * Guided Mindless Meditation and Soundbath: out of our minds and into our hearts and bodies. We’ll consciously allow our subconscious to blissbunny sacred bass bounce our way into oblivion. Inner peace never felt so easy! You’ll emerge squeaky clean on a spiritual level. 

Dancing the Erotic Blueprints

with Claire Rumore

Learn about the 5 Erotic Blueprints (5 unique pathways to turn on and pleasure) as we embody them through dance.

Each blueprint has its own qualities, characteristics, superpowers and shadows, as well as music and movement it blends best with. 

With embodied knowledge of the Erotic Blueprints, you can begin to more easily generate increased pleasure, intimacy and erotic empowerment in your life and relationships.

Sensual Wrestling: Unlocking Your Inner Dork

with Jason Rich & Maya Light

Step into the ring, where we will playfully push against one another, giggling and discovering new desires through connected touch and playful movements, reveling in the joy of embracing our unique quirks and eccentricities.

Get ready to embody elements of the earth in the most hilarious ways, turning everyday tasks into comical exercises that highlight unexpected archetypes in the most unusual ways…

Whether we’re experiencing big, expansive bursts of laughter or soft, subtle chuckles, each moment promises to be delightfully profound.

Sassy Dragon Activation

with Compasha Mama

A fiercely fun embodiment adventure designed to unleash your silly, sassy, saucy, bossy, bold dragon soul. Together we’ll journey through a mixture of primal dragon qigong, self empowerment hip-hop mantras & playful partnered exercises that inspire a spectrum of courageous reflection, unapologetic self-expression & delicious self-confidence.

Harnessing the transformational powers of dragon alchemy, we’ll delightfully dance our insecurities into curiosities & our fear into fascination so we can be big, brave & bright with our dragon boss light. Join us for an unforgettable journey of radical & magical self-love liberation… ‘cuase it’s time Dearest Dragons, to shine the great torch of you!

Dance Roulette

with Gabriel Diamond & Candice Holdorf

Imagine you pull a challenge or prompt randomly from a hat. You dance with that prompt with others, each with their own secret challenge. Each round goes a bit deeper. Everyone having a deeply personal experience in a communal container, leaning into our zone of proximal development, cultivating a field ripe for risk, play, and profound connection. Like sports, you play full on. Like prayer, you surrender control. Like therapy, you’re willing to grow. And like love, do it with an open heart.

Travis Sigley

Travis (they/them) started practicing acroyoga in San Francisco back in January of 2009. They quickly fell in love with it and it has become a staple in their life since. They are Level 2 certified teacher with AcroYoga Montreal, focusing on creativity in movement, as well as a certified Partner Acrobatics teacher, focusing on partner circus Acro. With all of that and his background as a dancer, Travis focuses on helping students find a sense of ease in movement to pave the way for self expression. They are the co-creator of Awkroyoga, established in 2017.

Shawnrey Notto

Shawnrey is a #1 Amazon bestselling author and embodiment facilitator who has guided over 1000 people to reclaim their superpower of beauty, creativity, and pleasure. Her book, Sensual Intelligence: The Lost IQ, was endorsed by #1 NYT bestselling author, Marci Shimoff, who said “Shawnrey is a master at what she does. She is an exquisite embodiment of living in the sacred union of the masculine and feminine!” Even though she has been on America’s Got Talent, and is a dancer-choreographer with over 4 million views on Youtube, she understands what it’s like to be crushed by goal-oriented hustle culture and lose yourself because you’re trying to do everything “right”. That’s why she’s so passionate about helping sensitive, creative, (secret) romantics, live joyously and unapologetically their life through their writing, business, and love.

Victoria Angel Heart

Victoria, M.Ed, CMT-P, is a passionate pleasure permissionary, dedicated to empowering folx to embrace intimacy within themselves, their relationships and with all of life. She’s the founder of Psychedelic Intimacy and the Sacred Pleasure Academy. Alongside her work as a plant medicine and embodied intimacy guide, she weaves her original “hypnotic hymns” and empowerment anthems as a permissionary of song and full embodied expression of feeling.  She organizes engaging music and intimacy events regularly throughout the Bay Area. Victoria believes in the power of the transformative healing that occurs when we connect with ourselves and embody intimacy, together.

Sasha Wright

Sasha Wright is a somatic psychotherapist, an avid dancer, and an earthy soul who loves to guide people into shared experiences of creative connection and embodied aliveness. Sasha leads workshops and retreats involving contact improv and somatic practices, and holds embodied earth-based rituals in the Bay Area. Curiosity, experimentation, and attunement are her allies. A social worker steeped in Hakomi, Internal Family Systems, and Eco-therapy, Sasha provides psychotherapy that supports inner alignment and the mindful embodiment of one’s wholeness. sashawrighttherapy.com 

Holly Hock

Holly is a dancer, activist, energy worker and certified massage therapist who has been facilitating breathwork for over two decades internationally and throughout the US, in venues ranging from Dance New England Summer Camp to Esalen to Harbin Hot Springs. Her passion is embodying joy on the dance floor and channeling healing energy into the world. She is a dance activist who uses her body as an instrument of empowerment and has been featured in several viral videos of dance flash mobs for social justice.

Majica Alba

Majica is a creative visionary who holds sacred space where people can see what is already there. She is a Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist in a private practice serving couples & individuals online in California and in-person in Sacramento. She specialized in using Emotional Focused Couples therapy, Kink/Poly relationships & Psychedelic Integration. Majica is a Certified 5Rhythms® teacher & dances & makes art everyday as part of her dedication to her own soul & healing journey.

Leela Maya

Leela started her journey as a raw vegan dessert chef in 2007 during the early days of Cafe Gratitude where it first began in the San Francisco. It was working there that she discovered the power of intention, community, & how truly nourishing food felt like sensual kitchen witch craft for her soul. It was love at first bite.

When she is not playing with her food, Leela teaches Embodied Communication Classes, Full & New Moon Circles, and leads Cacao Ceremonies, while using improv, astrology, tarot, and the power of play as a certified Relationship and Communication Coach and Metaphysical Practitioner. She believes that love, joy, connection, and play are key ingredients to a healthy happy life. Blessed Be and Bon Appétit!

Claire Rumore

Claire is a certified Erotic Blueprint coach, an Urban Tantra trained erotic educator, and a skilled mentor of conscious sexuality movement and embodiment practices. Through her coaching and intensives she supports individuals and couples who desire to integrate themselves as multidimensional sexual, spiritual, and relational beings. Her greatest joy is teaching and mentoring others toward their own unique erotic empowerment using the Erotic Blueprints as a pleasure-based map to self-understanding. She works in person and virtually.

Learn more at www.ClaireRumore.com

Jason Rich

Jason is a creature that champions receiving the wide range of sensations which life evokes. With 23+ years of deepening into his bodywork practice he pulls from a wide range of modalities in order to be with and help facilitate the movement of the different nuances of what people wrestle with inside of themselves.

With a multifaceted passion for holistic wellness and self-exploration, Jason is deeply immersed in the transformative practices of yoga and dance, finding solace and self-expression in their fluid movements and spiritual depths. He indulges in the art of massage and wrestling, embracing touch and physicality as vehicles for both relaxation and intense engagement. Beyond the body, understanding archetypes and being fascinated by the symbolic language of the psyche and its reflection in the human experience is a driving force for him. 

Maya Light

Maya Light is deeply enamored with the realm of creative expression, supporting others to access and explore the full range of this human experience. As an international DJ, she has adeptly honed the craft of weaving soundscapes for over 8 years, captivated by the tangible conversation she experienced on the dance floor.

She then delved into the art of curating intimate spaces, wholeheartedly embracing the transformative power of group fields as catalysts for unraveling and growth.

She also studied embodied anatomy at the School of Body Mind Centering, where she delved into a yin form of body work emphasizing safety and deep co-regulation, enriching her understanding of the interconnectedness of mind and body. Creating spaces to unlock and seamlessly integrate new pathways is her biggest passion.


Compasha Mama

Angel of Radical Compassion: is a playful ceremonialist, self-love liberation specialist & Dragon Boss Queen here to sauce up your self esteem. While she has a rich and vast history in the healing arts, including many certifications in somatic based, trauma informed facilitation, she believes the greatest medicine & most rapid route to becoming wholeheartedly & unabashedly empowered is through… PLAY. Compasha specializes in deep emotional healing & embodied transformation through the ancient arts of Dragon Alchemy. She initiates & teaches brave souls in how to embody the untamable, primordial powers & unlimited spiritual wisdom of dragon medicine to conduct individual & collective awakening, global healing, & universal liberation. Compasha is a brilliant force of love on this planet inspiring us all to be big, bold, brave and bright, & unapologetic with our light.

Candice Holdorf
& Gabriel Diamond

Candice is an award-winning writer, performer, filmmaker & coach with a focus on reclaiming erotic embodiment through exploring shame & shadow. She brings her passion for movement, play, & creative self-expression to her work as a group facilitator. She has trained in various healing modalities such as yoga, somatic sex education, & orgasmic meditation as well as studied Alexander Technique & theatrical movement while getting her BFA at NYU. She completed her Masters in Psychology in 2022.


Gabriel is a dancer, filmmaker, facilitator, and experience designer. He has a passion for exploring how blindfolds can be used as a tool for transcending biases, cravings, and aversions (blindfoldedcontact.com). His work as an artist explores the intersection of activism, street theater, shadow work, and embodiment (vulnerablerally.org). He is a filmmaker by trade, specializing in telling stories of social change leaders globally (outsidefilms.com).

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